Training in Christianity 0
Product description
A training always has the goal of changing something. Weight lifting, for example, is supposed to build muscles, while running is supposed to increase endurance.
This course is a training in Christianity . It expands your knowledge of the Bible. It helps you apply what you have learned. And he also wants to change something: your life.
In this basic course you will get an overview of the central truths of the Christian faith, especially the “Good News”, the Gospel. It is intended to help you put your life on a stable foundation: the foundation of the Word of God. It's about the Bible, God, man, the problem of sin and eternity; and about Jesus Christ, his death on the cross and how one receives eternal, new life through faith in him.
The Training in Christianity series has been in use for many years and has been translated into over thirty languages. The basic course is now available in a revised version.
160 pages
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