Product description
In the book of Ecclesiastes, God teaches us the wisdom we need to live the God-given life under the sun for His glory and our joy (2:26).
The book of Ecclesiastes has been called "the sphinx of Hebrew literature" because, like that mythical creature, it poses many difficult-to-answer questions to the inhabitants of Thebes and to the Bible reader, such as what gain can be gained from all the hardships of life (1:3).
It also contains some statements that have confused some religious readers. Is there really “nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and let his soul see good things”? (2.24).
This interpretation aims to answer these and other questions. Numerous poets and thinkers have their say, some of whom confirm the preacher's words, but others also show how only the fear of God gives us the wisdom with which we can find answers to the questions that life poses. Only those who fear God and keep His commandments become a whole person (12:13).
192 pages
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